Archives: Events

  • Showcase by Javea Players
  • Day trip to Bonaire Shopping Centre & IKEA

    Day trip to Bonaire Shopping Centre & IKEA

    Coach trip for Christmas shopping at these two popular venues. 08.45 to leave prompt at 09.00 from opposite Interiors Javea Port Arriving back in Javea 19.00 The cost of this trip is 15euros We will be travelling to Bonaire Shopping Center for 3 hours then onto IKEA for a further 2 hours. The driver will…

  • Day trip to Valencia – City or BioPark

    Day trip to Valencia – City or BioPark

    Fully booked and long waiting list Coach trip to Valencia – you choose city or BioPark. For this year’s very popular day trip to Valencia we offer members 2 options, the opportunity to enjoy the sights of Valencia or the option of spending the day at the Bio Park. 08.45 to leave at 09.00 prompt…

  • Day trip to Sagunto

    Day trip to Sagunto

    Trip by coach to this lovely city. Leaving from opposite Interiors Javea Port, 08.45 leaving prompt 09.00 Arriving back in Javea 18.30 Cost 16 euros per person Discover the Old Town of Sagunto, where you will find attractions such as the Castle, the Roman Theatre, the Historical Museum,  the Jewish Quarter, the Church of Santa…

  • Ladies that Lunch

    The next event is planned to take place at Javea Golf Club. Further details will be issued to group members nearer the time.

  • General Meeting and Speaker

    General Meeting and Speaker

    Arrive from 10.30am onwards be seated by 11am for reports from the Committee followed by a presentation by Peter Atkinson titled ‘Banksy’ Banksy, a man who likes to maintain his anonymity, is a street artist, studio artist, socialcommentator, activist, philanthropist, and movie director. In recent years he has beenvoted Britain’s all-time favourite artist, and his…