Category: Group – Travellers Tales
Peter and Gill on their travels – home and abroad
The March Travellers’ Tales meeting featured another entertaining presentation by popular U3A member Peter Atkinson – but was something of a sad occasion as it was Peter’s final talk to the group before he and his wife Gill move to Canada to be near their son in Toronto as well as their daughter, who lives…
Turkey on the menu at Travellers’ Tales meeting
Travellers’ Tales group leader Angela Chantry shared her experiences of an in-depth tour of Turkey at the latest meeting held in the Javea Players Studio. Angela and daughter Becky spent two weeks on a round trip from Istanbul, visiting historic sites and places of interest, on a holiday with tour company Explore in September last…
Around the Horn a Travellers’ Tales treat
U3A members enjoyed a voyage around the southernmost tip of South America and the Antarctic at the latest meeting of the Travellers’ Tales group. Fellow member John Reynolds gave a fascinating presentation, entitled “Round the Horn and Back in Time for Tea – Part 2”, sharing tales of his adventures with his wife Jane on…