Category: web-footer Site Info
New Block Editor Changes
The new Block editor has made a number of major changes. The link below describes some of the changes The new Block Editor The Editor opens with this Welcome screen. Clicking serially on NEXT in the bottom right corner accesses a series of synopsis of the new features. Clicking on the X top right corner…
Insert Google maps in a Post or Event
You can share an exact address or geographic position using Google maps. Open a tab in your web browser and enter the Google maps address: (or click on this link) Select a location on the map or type an address in the search box: In the next screen you select the three horizontal bars…
Maximum Media file size
In order to display good quality pictures on our site, you should use large format pictures, as long as the overall size doesn’t exceed 2MB, which is the limit for media (photos, graphics, sound, etc) that you may post on our website. To stay within the limit of 2MB, you should set the following parameters…
Insert PDF into a post (if you must)
Use of PDF files is deprecated on our site for various reasons: However, sometimes it makes sense to use PDFs files, e.g. when you are posting an official document with signatures, like our Constitution, or a document like the prospectus of a trip, formatted so that participants can print it for reference. Please note that…
How to Post on the Website – handout
You can read online or print out the handout on basic web authoring we have prepared for our authors. Corrections and feedback to:
Our website is based on categories, it’s therefore essential to understand how they work in order to use them correctly. To avoid interfering with other users on the website, please only use the categories you have been assigned. Post Categories are also used to determine which posts are included in the Mailpoet Post Notification newsletters…