The U3A Jávea has been granted the following CIF: G54165881.
U3A Jávea Statutes
As an Asociacion under Spanish Law, the U3A Jávea operates under Statutes. These statutes provide the procedures by which we operate and are governed. Versions of the Statutes in English or Spanish are available to download below:
Group Leaders’ Guidelines
The document below provides guidance for Group Leaders on the operation of a U3A Jávea Activity Group.
U3A Jávea Membership Terms and Conditions
The document below has the U3A Jávea Membership Terms and Conditions.
Group Leaders Expenses
If you have incurred any expense relating to running your group e.g. new equipment. You can claim it back from the U3A Javea using the form below which you submit to the Treasurer either in person at a Monthly Meeting or by email to treasurer@u3ajavea.com.