The Xabia Book Circle is delighted to announce its third annual writing competition, this time on short stories.
The competition is open to all for a 10€ fee and closes on 20 Sept. First prize will be 100€.
“You can choose any form and subject you like”, says Chairperson Huw Griffith,
“but we offer you the possibility of beginning with the pregnant words, ‘I’ll always
remember what’s-his-name (or what’s-her-name)’.
Entries, which should be 3,000 to 5,000 words long, must be written in English
and previously unpublished. They should be submitted as attachments in Word to
the Book Circle email address xabiabookcircle2021@gmail.com.
The competition will be adjudicated by Committee member Christopher North and the
winning story, together with the second- and third-placed stories, will be
published on the Book Circle website.
Further information will be posted shortly on our website www.xabiabookcircle.com.
Erica Meltzer, Xabia Book Circle