Pinomar and Val de Sol
Report and photos by Wendy Ranger
Again this week we weren’t sure if it would rain, so cagoules and umbrellas were taken (again!) and NO RAIN (again!). 18 members joined me for a walk from El Campo Restaurant, around the back, and then across the road to walk up where we had the big fire in 2016. Unfortunately, we were only about 20 minutes from the end when one of our number slipped, and we’re pretty sure she has broken her ankle. A really good response from the Ambulance Service, Police and Bomberos, who managed to get her down off the hill and take her to Denia Hospital. We wish her well for a speedy recovery Xx

Next week’s walk 27th March 2025
The Rambling Paths of Las Laderas
Circular walk on the lanes, tracks and footpaths between Las Laderas and the Golf Club. Sturdy footwear is needed.