Travellers’ Tales of cruising round the Horn

Javea U3A’s Travellers’ Tales group went ‘Round the Horn’ courtesy of fellow member John Reynolds, who gave a fascinating presentation on his southern circuit cruise of South America.

His talk was warmly applauded by his audience at Javea Players Studio.

John and his wife Jane embarked on the cruise, aboard Celebrity’s ‘Affinity’ liner, on their first holiday just after Covid.

After a 16-hour flight from Heathrow on New Year’s Eve, they landed in Santiago, Chile – the start of a 4,000 nautical mile cruise from Valparaiso, through the Chilean Ffords and the Beagle Channel in Argentina and around Cape Horn before completing their voyage in Montevideo in Uruguay.

John illustrated his talk with photos of stunning landscapes including volcanoes, snow-capped mountains, clear blue lakes and glaciers as well as town views. His photos of wildlife even included a rare shot of an albatross!

John will be back at the Javea Players Studio in January to present Part 2 of his adventure.

Thanks to group leaders Angela and Tony for arranging the meeting – only days after returning from their Monasteries and Mountains trip, which they ran as Spanish Culture & Cuisine group leaders.