The Ukaholics “Make a Smile” and get Christmas started!

On Tuesday 14th in the Bar of the Social Centre in Javea, we were treated to a short burst of Christmas Carols, and other foot tappers, to get us into the Christmas mood and support a very worthy cause – the Make A Smile Christmas presents appeal. The “Ukaholics” (a happy bunch of musicians, made up of U3A members from Javea and Denia, and other travelling musicians), and playing ukuleles, guitar, harmonica, box drum and even “mountain dulcimer” (not everyday we are treated to that).

The musicians – 19 of them – gave their time free of charge for this worthy cause, and so good were they, that even the bar staff joined in!

We collected 215€ for the charity, and this was added to the 219€ already collected at our previous event.

Well done everyone!