The Shutterbugs in black and white

The Shutterbugs Photography Group met last Friday 24th May.  The commitment of our members was fantastic with 12 entrants for the “Black and White” project presenting 24 photographs for critique.  

Overall, the standard was really high but there was one photograph which stood out and won the Picture of the Month.  The winner was Debbie Wenn.

This is a superb capture of a man whittling away in his workshop.  It begs the question: What is he making? A pipe? A whistle? A spoon?  This is what photography is all about: telling a story.  Congratulations Debbie!

The project for June is “Lines”. When composing a photograph, we use lines to draw the viewer’s eyes to objects that we want them to see: a path leading to a distant tree or a bowl of fruit on a table: the options are endless.

Shutterbugs membership continues to grow and now sits at 16 with a further member joining us in September.

If, having read this short report, you would like more details of what we do or you would like to join the Group, please contact the Group Leaders, Mal Thomas and Colin Ruddle on We really look forward to hearing from you.

The next meeting, and the final one until September, is on Friday 21st June at 2.00pm in the Jávea International Baptist Church, Calle Favara 8, Jávea.

Report by Mal Thomas and Colin Ruddle, Group Leaders