The most impressive and interesting event or experience we had during the summer.

The discussion group started our new season as always, on the last Friday of the month, 29 September.

We talked about something important that happened last summer, what we learned from it, and what conclusions, if any we made.

A few of us left Spain and had a story to tell about other countries and visited interesting exhibitions about modern art and science symbiosis, which is designed to develop a better understanding of new possibilities of our future life, learning from such ecosystems as swamps.

We talked about climate change which has more and more impact on the planet each year. One of the clear pieces of evidence is that last summer was the hottest since the start of recording data.

Others stayed here in Spain because of different reasons and, unfortunately, one of the most important was health issues. But some here had a very interesting experience with the Astronomy Group, going on an expedition to a place far away from cities and towns to watch the sky and stars without any ambient light impact on the observations.

Their observations gave them a deeper understanding of how small we are in the context of the universe and at the same time how important it is to remember that everything on this planet, including life and health is not granted. It is important to live every day to the full, with a total appreciation of everything around us.

Our next meeting will be on the 27th of October and will be “How to spot bad statistics and how they impact GDP”.

If you are interested in learning something new or have never thought about it before, come to the meeting!