Thanks for coming along!

Double click on any of the photographs to expand them

The sun shone and you came along in your numbers to enjoy a coffee (and a slice of cake!) and a good chat. From the smiling faces and the bright clothes, it’s clear that summer has arrived!

All of the Committee were present and were delighted to answer your questions and tell you about some of things that your U3A is doing.

Claude Grealy, our U3A President told everyone about two important events coming up in June.

Firstly, on 10th June, we are launching our Member Support Network. This is a service designed to help our members when they need it most. It might be someone to talk to, or a translator at the hospital or simply a lift to an important hospital appointment. The Member Support Network has brought together local charities and organisations who are able to deliver lots of help to our members.

For more information, we look forward to seeing you at the Casa de Cultura on Monday 10th June between 10.30am and 12.30pm.

And, now that Summer is here, we’re throwing a party! On 26th June between 2pm and 4pm, we’re having Wine and Tapas at the Pinosol Hotel. There will be entertainment from Matt Mason and we really look forward to seeing you there. More information along with a booking form will follow shortly.

And now a few more of your lovely photographs!

To celebrate the beautiful summer weather, we took up a collection for Help of Marina Alta, a key partner in the Member Support Network. As ever, your generosity was undimmed and a total of €110 was raised – Thank you!

Report by Steve Young, Communications Officer U3A Jávea