Javea Players Studio – 2€ entrance fee

A reminder that the next Talking Art will be next Tuesday, the 24th October; usual time and place: 11’00 am at the Javea Players’ Studio Theatre. The weather forecast is more promising this time. So we will be continuing with the topic which we had to cancel in May due to the weather.
We will be looking at the change in the style of art at the turn of the 19th/20th century known variously as Art Nouveaux, Jugendstil and in Britain as Arts and Crafts. It was, possibly the first International style, influencing the design and decoration of architecture, furniture, ceramics and jewellery, as well as graphic design from Glasgow to Vienna, from Moscow to Chicago, and from Copenhagen to Turin. Although fairly short lived as a style. It’s impact and influence can still be seen in the art, architecture and design that surrounds us today.
As usual it would be helpful to let me know if you intend to come. Email: talking.art@u3ajavea.com
Please remember that there is a small fee to rent the room, so that we need a minimum of fifteen members on average (at 2€ each) to cover costs