Talking Art – The Scream and the early Expressionists

Earlier today, a good crowd of art lovers gathered at the Jávea Players Studio to hear about Edvard Munch, James Ensor and Käthe Kollwitz from Robert Sedgley, the Group Leader.

Left: a Peruvian Mummy, Right: a modern “Scream” mask from Halloween

In an entertaining and informative talk, Robert told the audience about the origins of the Scream and the troubled childhood of Edvard Munch.

Robert then went on to discuss how other proto-Expressionists like James Ensor and Käthe Kollwitz influenced the Expressionist artists of the early 20th Century.

If you would like to know more about the Talking Art Group or want to be added to the mailing list to be informed about the next meeting, please contact Robert Sedgley on