We will be looking at the early paintings, which are not so well known, and including the time he met and painted alongside Pissarro and the Impressionists; a period which saw the maturity of his style. This will be the first of two sessions on the ‘Master of Aix’ who Picasso referred to as “the father of us all.”
Please let me know if you are intending to come by email to: talking.art@u3ajavea.com
However, as usual, if for some reason you haven’t notified me, no bother, just come anyway. The January meeting, unfortunately, had a low attendance. I hope that this was just a combination of the time of year and the heavy rain on the day. The first two meetings, last year, had a very good turnout, so hopefully this group is still on its successful course. Also, please spread the word, there is plenty of room!
The second (future) session on Cézanne will deal with his prolonged period of painting in and around Provence, and the development of a style bordering on abstraction.