Spanish for Beginners
Group Leader: Heidi Hancock
Email: spanish@u3ajavea.com
Pre-intermediate Spanish
Group Leader: Heidi Hancock
Email: spanish@u3ajavea.com
Intermediate Spanish
Group Leader: Heidi Hancock
Email: spanish@u3ajavea.com
Meeting Venue: Social Centre, Jávea, Sala de Conferencia, 1st Floor
Meeting Day and Time: Monday morning
If there is enough demand, this will be a new class for people who have very little or no knowledge of Spanish.
Please contact Heidi if you’re interested in joining this class.
Meeting Venue: Social Centre, Javea, Sala de Conferencia 1st Floor Meeting Day and Time: Monday morning
For people interested in joining the group, this class is intended to help those who already
have some grasp of the fundamental elements of Spanish grammar (i.e. the conjugation of
regular and irregular verbs in the present simple and basic everyday vocabulary).
Please contact Heidi for more details.
Meeting Venue: Social Centre, Jávea, Sala de Conferencia, 1st Floor
Meeting Day and Time: Monday morning
This class is intended for people who have a fair understanding of the conjugation of verbs in the present and past simple, reflexive verbs and knowledge of everyday vocabulary.
Please contact Heidi for more details.