The U3A photography group (aka Shutterbugs) had a virtual competition this month due to illness and holidays. One of the advantages of course is that everybody can vote for their favourite photo. Everyone gave their votes, and it was very close with scores for most photos.
Four photos were separated by 3 points
Detlefs photos 5 & 11 came joint third

Kevins photo 17 came second

And the winner …….. was Pat with photo 3

Congratulations Pat for your winning photo. You receive the grand prize of choosing a suitable video for a project of your choice to be presented at the April 25th meeting as the May project.
Congratulations to everyone for some great photos in a difficult month with a lot of gloomy weather!
Last months winning photo of the month was taken by Paul and his chosen subject
for April is –
Stone. ie pebbles, rocks, anything but must be natural material.
The supporting video is below

Good luck to everyone.
The next meeting is April 25th at Javea International Baptist Church, Calle Favara, 8.
New members always welcome.
Colin & Mal
Shutterbugs Coordinators