Shutterbugs June Meeting

The U3A Photography Group aka Shutterbugs met last Friday June 21st. Many were away, travelling the world honing their photography skills!  However, a large proportion of the membership sent in pictures based on the project set in May which was ‘Lines’. 

Not the easiest of projects but in basic terms it relates to using straight lines to focus the eye on the chosen subject, perhaps a distant tree or a particular fruit in a bowl.  A path or a table edge leading from a corner of the photograph is what is aimed for.  We hope that explains it.    

There were 22 pictures for the group to view and critique.  There was a varied entry and some excellent attempts at fulfilling the project brief.  This months winner was Mal Thomas with a photograph of shadow lines on the Correos sign in El Pueblo.

The meeting continued with two videos being shown based on food which was  Debbie Wenn’s  subject choice, albeit, for September.  Plenty of time to eat too much food and take many photographs.

This was a the last meeting before the Summer break and the group will meet next on Friday, September 20th at 2.00pm at Javea International Baptist Church Centre  Calle de Favara 8, Javea 03730.  If anyone reading this report is interested in joining Shutterbugs, please contact

Report by Mal Thomas and Colin Ruddle – Joint Co-ordinators