Shutterbugs – February 2025 Report

The U3A Photography Group aka Shutterbugs met last Friday, Feb 28th. We had a lower turnout this month but nevertheless we had a good session of discussion and critique.

The session began with Colin Ruddle showing some of his astronomy photographs that he had taken in the past month. (see below), at night. Colin explained each picture in detail which was well received; thank you Colin. Next month it is Mal Thomas’s turn to show a few of his photographs to the group.

Sun showing sunspots
Orion Nebula M42

We then moved on to the project photographs for this month. These were based on Waterscapes. Yet again there were some beautiful pictures but there had to be a winner or two this month. Joint winners were Paul Clark with his Industrial Waterscape and Kevin Mcloughlin with his lake waterscape. Both very different pictures are beautifully captured with elements leading the eye into the scenes with both telling a story, well done both!

The project for next month, ‘the use of light in photography’ which was set by the January winner Meryl MacDonald. This subject is on that many amateur photographers struggle with. Meryl provided two links on the subject which guided us through the concept of how use of light is so important in getting that perfect shot. The videos detailed some very simple methods of how to favourably distort light resulting in the creation of a much-improved composition. Thank you, Meryl. (Links &

Sadly, and due to various reasons, the proposed visit to Pego Nature Reserve didn’t happen with weather playing its part. It will go ahead once the weather improves.

Due to Mal and Colin being away next month the group will meet on the third Friday of the month i.e. March 21st from 2:00-3:30p.m at Javea International Baptist Church Centre, Calle de Favara 8, Javea 03730. New members always welcome.

Colin and Mal

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