What a fantastic time we all had!! Food and drink aplenty and music by James Hurst, to which as you’ll see in some of the photos there was enthusiastic help from the audience.
We also collected a huge number of gifts and bags of toiletries for Make A Smile along with 185, 09€ in cash to add to our Charity Fund. Make a Smile are catering for 131 children aged from 4yrs to 16yrs, they also ‘look after’ the staff on duty over Christmas who can’t be with their own families.
The money we give goes towards vouchers to buy gifts that the children have chosen from Amazon or Carrefour which is a really great idea making each child feel special.

Well done everyone for being so generous!
If you didn’t get chance to donate at the ‘bash’ you can do so directly to them by clicking the image below.

Check out their Facebook page for more information HERE