We have organised an Open Day at the Parador Hotel for groups to showcase their activities. We invite all members to come along and bring any non-member friends to see what’s on offer.
We will have the pleasure of welcoming Raquel Violero Castellanos, Councillor for Senior Citizens and International Residents for the Town Council, along with a colleague.
Doors open 10.45am with entry to the salon through the garden gates on the right of the driveway as you approach the main entrance. No need to go through the hotel reception.
There will be 36 group leaders and helpers plus members of the Committee present to answer all your questions.
Don’t miss this chance to check out all the groups to see what they do and maybe join any that you find interesting.
Members who have joined u3A Javea recently are especially encouraged to attend to meet the volunteers who run the organisation and provide all the wonderful opportunities we have for enjoying ourselves.
We look forward to welcoming as many members as possible.