

Solos Dining Out go Asian

Solos Dining Out go Asian

On Sunday 1st September, 22 “Solos” enjoyed great food and company at Sabores Restaurant. Although we asked for individual tables, the restaurant set us with one table for 22. It was like the Great Silk Road from one end to the other! You can view more photographs on the U3A Jávea Members Facebook page. Report by John Jardine

Death of a Member – Karrie Lott

Death of a Member – Karrie Lott

We are sad to announce the death of Karrie Lott in the early hours of this morning. Our profound sympathies go to Karrie’s husband Trevor and all of their friends and family. “Karrie, a beautiful lady with a generous heart. Her love of gardening, along with a super talent of all things artistic, she was a joy to know. Karrie will be missed.” – Yvonne Sherrington We will, of course, publish funeral details as soon as we are made aware of…

Spaces are available on the U3A Moraira Trip to Toledo and Madrid in November

Spaces are available on the U3A Moraira Trip to Toledo and Madrid in November

What better way to do your Christmas shopping and see the sites of Madrid and Toledo than a 5 night trip to visit both cities? We will travel to Toledo on 22nd November for 2 nights to see this lovely historical city. Then we will continue to Madrid for some Christmas shopping and the turning on of the 2024 Christmas lights on the 25th November. We return on 27th November. NOTE: This trip is being organised by the U3A Moraira and is subject…

Thursday Walking Group to Resume

Thursday Walking Group to Resume

Good morning U3A Jávea Thursday morning walkers! The team have decided that walks will resume on Thursday 26th September.  According to the long-range weather report the daytime temperature will be mid-20s and partly cloudy, which sounds fine for our walks. We will still make sure that our first walks of this season are in at least partially shaded areas.  The details of the first walk will be sent out (as usual) on the morning of Sunday 20th September. To join the Walking…

Traveller’s Tales presentation “Mongolia Explorer”

Traveller’s Tales presentation “Mongolia Explorer”

Our first Travellers Tales meeting for the autumn will take place on Tuesday 17th September when the group leader, Angela Chantry, will give a presentation on her recent tour of Mongolia. Venue: The Javea Players Studio (a few minutes’ walk from Mercadona car park, Javea pueblo). Doors will open at 10.30 am, with the presentation commencing at 11.00 am and lasting for approximately 1 hour. Cost: 2 euros per person on entry, which goes towards the cost of room hire.…

History Talks restart on 8th October

History Talks restart on 8th October

History talks restart on Tuesday 8th October with a fascinating look at the phenomenon of Serendipity by Alan Hunton. “Serendipity – the faculty or phenomenon of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for” November 12th sees a fascinating talk from Keith Smith entitled Sister Queens about two daughters of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella whose marriages were planned to create a complex web of alliances designed to frustrate French power. For more information, see the Calendar entries for both presentations.…

Congratulations to Tony Cabban

Congratulations to Tony Cabban

Everyone at the U3A Jávea sends their warmest congratulations to Tony Cabban, Chairman of the Marina Alta Arts Society on winning the prestigious International Marsh Award for his work with the Arts Society. Tony is a long standing member of the U3A Jávea and also a Committee member of the Jávea Players. Tony was the founder Chair when the Marina Alta Arts Society opened in 2017. He stepped down after serving his term of office, however he returned to the…

Have you ever fancied trying Line Dancing?

Have you ever fancied trying Line Dancing?

One of our new members is a qualified Line Dancing instructor! She is very keen to start a U3A Jávea Line Dancing Group and is willing to teach beginners right up to intermediate level. So, if you want to strut your stuff, get in touch with Mike Frost, Groups Coordinator on to register your interest. Meetings are anticipated to start in October.

Gentle Aerobics starts again on 4th September

Gentle Aerobics starts again on 4th September

Good News!!! Summer is almost over and the first group to awaken from the shutdown is the Gentle Aerobics group. The group is meeting at 10.00am on September 4th at L’Ancora Club de Tennis Jávea in the large studio. If you fancy improving your fitness in a very gentle way, please contact the Group Leader, Bobby at All are very welcome!

Website Changes

Website Changes

Over the last week, we have implemented a number of changes to the U3A Jávea website. This post tells you about these changes and how you can get the most out of them. Firstly, we have changed the way that the website looks. The new look is designed to be clearer and more modern. Behind the scenes, these changes should improve the performance of the site, make it easier to maintain and is critical to our plan to move the…

Jávea Green Bowls Club donates to Project4all in Benissa

Jávea Green Bowls Club donates to Project4all in Benissa

In April 2023, after many years at the Inn on the Green, Jávea Green Bowls Club found themselves homeless. The owner of the property had sold it to be redeveloped as the Grand Cafe Flo. So began a journey to find a new home in Jávea. Regrettably, after a long search, the Club members decided that there were no suitable premises in Jávea and that the Club should be wound up. The members of the club decided that the assets…

Save the Date! The U3A Jávea Autumn Ball is on 17th November

Save the Date! The U3A Jávea Autumn Ball is on 17th November

We’re having a party! Get the date in your diary and spruce up your glad rags and dancing shoes because the U3A Jávea Ball is back for 2024. We’ll be at the fabulous Salones Carrasco in Jávea with entertainment from James Hurst. It promises to be one of the highlights of the year, so keep your eye open for the reservation announcement in September. You can download a copy of the poster below.

Travel Group Day Trip to Cocentaina on 2nd November

Travel Group Day Trip to Cocentaina on 2nd November

Cocentaina is a village in the Province of Alicante. The village is located between the mountainous Serra de Mariola national park and the Serpis river. Cocentaina is ideally situated for both road and mountain biking. Many of the roads are used for training by professional teams (Astana have been seen regularly), and several roads have been used by the Vuelta a España. Every year since 1346, Cocentaina celebrates the Fira de Tots Sants or the Festival of All Saints. This year is…

Family History – next meeting on 20th August

Family History – next meeting on 20th August

Many thanks to Tom Miller for the photographs. The Family History Group meets once a month and have started using the DAR Social Centre on the Carretera Jesús Pobre in Jávea. The air conditioning was very welcome and it’s a lovely comfortable lounge. Good meeting, lovely quiche and cheesecake. We continue to meet throughout the year. The next meeting is on Tuesday 20th August at 3pm. If you are interested in genealogy and would like to join us you will be…

Live Model Art: our artists take on a very serious challenge!

Live Model Art: our artists take on a very serious challenge!

The Live Model Art Group met today at the Social Centre in Jávea Old Town. Their mission, should they have chosen to accept it, was to draw me! In various poses, including a too small hat popped onto my head by the barman, our artists had just 20 minutes per pose to draw me in pencil, ink or watercolour. I was pleasantly surprised at the skill that the artists showed. Well done to you all! The Live Model Art Group…

Weary Warriors – updated Meeting Dates for 2024

Weary Warriors – updated Meeting Dates for 2024

The Weary Warriors Dementia Support Group was formed in 2021 to provide free help and support to those members caring for a partner or friend living with Dementia or Alzheimers’. The group now has 30 members, ladies and gentlemen, and all English speaking individuals are welcome. The Weary Warriors now have three sections: –  The Weary Warriors for the carers of partners or family members  –  The Silent Warriors, for those members who have partners or family members in Care…

U3A Moraira/Teulada Charity Concert on 5th September 2024

U3A Moraira/Teulada Charity Concert on 5th September 2024

The U3A Jávea are delighted to support the U3A Moraira/Teulada’s Beatles Anthology Concert at 5.30pm on 5th September 2024 at La Senieta in Moraira. The Concert is in aid of Make A Smile, a wonderful charity who support disadvantaged children in the community and care homes. For more information, click HERE. Tickets are priced at €15 and can be ordered from Prue Jackson by email on