Special offer to U3A Javea members – play two matches before joining

The U3A Moraira-Teulada Golf Society – has been in existence for over 12 years. It offers members the opportunity to play golf at competitive rates on a variety of courses in the northern Cost Blanca region. Courses include El Saler, just south of Valencia thru’ Oliva Nova, La Sella near Denia, Villaitana in Benidorm as well as Bonalba, Alenda and the courses in and around Alicante.
Each game is arranged as a competition, usually based on Stableford scoring, but we also have fun team events such as Scrambles and Pairs competitions. Currently we play on Mondays and use the Golfify app to record real time scoring.
We have also developed a handicap adjustment system which reacts more quickly than the WHS helping players who are experiencing a “bad patch” to regain their former playing level.
Although our games focus on golf, the social aspects are usually enjoyed in our normally ideal Spanish weather. At Christmas we schedule a popular fun Christmas Competition and a Christmas dinner for members and partners.
We do not schedule games for the summer months (June- August), resuming in September.
The Society has the organisation and contacts to arrange reasonably priced golf games in a sociable environment and we would like to reach out to golfers who live in, or visit regularly Northern Costa Blanca.
Members of the Golf Society must be members of Moraira-Teulada U3A (cost 10€) and join the Golf Society for 5€ but U3A Javea members can try us out for 2 trials before joining.
If you are interested, please e-mail: u3agolf.moraira@outlook.com
Groups leaders are: Myers Logan, Chris Whitton & Brian Russell