Monthly Meeting – Wednesday 31 May, 10.30am

Booking required

Our meeting this month will be held at the Casa de Cultura, Javea Old Town – doors open at 10.30am for an 11am start.

Angel Poveda, Lawyer in Javea, ( has agreed to talk to us about ‘What to do when someone dies’.

Not a subject we really want to talk about but something we do need to have an understanding about, not just for ourselves but for our friends and neighbours if they need help and advice.

Having better knowledge about this topic makes it less stressful if we need to deal with this situation and we are in a stronger position when talking to our own lawyer/advisor about our particular circumstances.

In order to be sure we have enough room for everyone we ask that those wishing to attend tell us in advance by booking on the form below.

Booking – Meeting
Person wishing to attend
Person wishing to attend
First Name
Last Name

If you wish to book for more than one person please complete their details in the boxes below.

Second person wishing to attend
Second person wishing to attend
First Name
Last Name

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