Doors open 10am , Committee Reports 10.45am, Talk starts 11am. Agenda here

THE GREAT STINK (1858) by Cheda Panajotovic
The stink was so bad that it has become an important part of the history of London. Apparently, there’s never been a stench like it. The period is also famed for three separate CHOLERA epidemics that brought death to many thousands.
The river had so much effluent in it, it is said that rats could walk across the Thames whilst keeping their feet dry.
By mid 19C, London had around 200,000 cesspits and 360 sewers in use. These may have been sufficient for the 1675 population of 400,000 when the system was planned and begun to be installed.
‘THE STINK’ happened in the mid-19th century when London had a population of over three million and growing fast, for whom additional sewage system had never been contemplated.