Line dancing (for absolute beginners) will commence on 9th January 10.30am at Kawana Bar Restaurant (next to Isla Bonita & Karting so parking available).
This is a Thursday and will be the regular day from January. Kawana has a small inside venue for us and when it is warmer there is a courtyard to dance outside. A session will cost €3 which will go directly to the venue who, in return, will provide a free drink to enjoy after the session.
Sadly, places will need to be limited to 12 dancers at this venue, so please only put your name down if you feel line dancing is something you really want to learn.
I know there are a number of members who already line dance and if I have at least 9 with experience wanting to dance at improver level on a Thursday morning, I am happy to do a follow on session.
To book a place please email the Group Leader, Suzanne Campbell on linedancing@u3ajavea.com.
NOTE: if you wrote to Suzanne before Monday 23 December then, due to an error in the email system, your email was not received by us. Please write again as the error has now been corrected.