Group Leaders: Claude and Linda Grealy
Email address:
Meeting venue: To be arranged prior to each visit
Meeting Day & Time: Monthly, when a tour can be arranged of a particular heritage site
Accepts new members: Yes – If you are a lover of heritage, and would like to be an active participant in the search for, and preservation of, our adopted heritage here in Javea and Alicante.

Friends of Heritage in Motion (HeiM): The Group will also link with the Heritage in Motion Project of the University of Alicante, which grew out of the E.U. Active Ageing Project, which encourages participation in heritage, Alicante and Europe wide, with the invitation that you take the reins yourself, and continue the search wherever your road takes you.
History is what happened in the past, but Heritage is the tangible evidence that has survived from the past – architecture, engineering, geology, agriculture, literature, painting, arts and crafts, fashion, music, food and wine, photos, oral storytelling, and much, much more.
Let’s walk the road in search of “H” together.