Last Friday, 27 May, the Discussion Group meeting was held in a different format based on IMAGINATOR cards, which are designed on the open mindset concept.
We had 12 people taking part in this game
It uses a pack of cards with pictures of shapes/symbols etc and people simply said what they saw when looking at the picture using their imagination about whatever the shapes/symbols said to their mind. Then on the reverse of each card is a question. Everyone has a turn to give their answers and there are no right/wrong answers to any question, so it was all very friendly and good fun.
The only rule was that you should give a different answer from one already said. Taking in mind that we were 12 people the last one had to be quite creative.
Whilst it’s very good for relaxing the mood, at the same time you can really be surprised what answers people give to the questions. Those answers themselves often lead to some interesting discussions.

You also can try to give your own answers.