Fond farewell to retiring President

The U3A’s executive committee members said farewell to retiring President Mike Cox at the AGM on Wednesday March 29.

Mike and his wife Valerie have decided to give up their official duties after serving the U3A in Javea for a total of 22 years between them!

Mike has been on the committee as President, Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer for 14 years and Valerie has been group leader of JARS/Canasta for 8 years. Both have also run the Asia/Curry Group and Out on Sunday Group.

Claude Grealy, who succeeds Mike as President, and the rest of the newly-elected committee wished Mike and Valerie best wishes for the future.

Our picture shows Claude, front left, and Mike, front right, with committee members Mike Frost (Groups Coordinator), Henrik Rasmussen (Membership), Krystyna Stefanczyk (Vice-President), Sally Rush (Treasurer) and Margaret March (Secretary).

Former President Mike said: “The new and dynamic committee will continue to serve our community. We wish them good luck and an excellent future for all our ex-pats. The UJ3A is a brilliant and fantastic organisation for all to enjoy and join in.”

May I also add my thanks and good wishes to Mike and Valerie for their outstanding service over the years.

Ian Rogerson

Publicity Officer