Face-to-face with the Terracotta Warriors

Members of Javea U3A embarked on a unique journey into the distant past on a day trip to Alicante.

Led by Travel Group leader Amanda Jordan, the party of 46 visited the international exhibition ‘The Heritage of the Qin and Han Dynasties’ to view a collection of life-size terracotta warriors as well as more than 100 original artefacts unearthed in China in what has been described as the greatest discovery in the history of archaeology.

The exhibits on show are just a small part of the incredible army of 8,000 warriors, 500 horses and 130 battle chariots which have been guarding the tomb of Qin Shi Huangdi, the first Qin Emperor who ruled ancient China 2,000 years ago.

U3A members clearly enjoyed their day out visiting the exhibition and exploring the city (and shops!), not least because the sun shone brightly after days of torrential rain.