Archives: Events

  • U3A Javea End of Year Lunch

    Every member is cordially invited to attend this lunch to mark the end of the year. Here will be a Cava reception starting at 1pm. The menu and price for lunch will be published as soon as it’s available. In the meantime you can express interest by email to Alan and Linda by email to…

  • The most important and impressive event or experience which took place during the summer

    The most important and impressive event or experience which took place during the summer

    We will start with a new season of our Discussion Group meetings as always, on the last Friday of the month, 29 September, at 4 p.m. at Javea Social Center with an open topic about our most interesting experiences and impressions during the past summer. We will talk about what happened during the summer, why…

  • Dining Out

    Our first dining out for the new season will be at Restaurante A Bordo, Javea Marina. Members of the group will receive an email with details and menu choices. If you wish to join this group send an email to

  • Ladies that Lunch

    The first lunch of the season to note in your diary. Anyone wishing to join this group can email the group leader on

  • Royal Society of Saint George Poppy Appeal Ball

    An event by this Society which will be advertised to U3A members

  • Day trip to Concentaina – Feria

    Day trip to Concentaina – Feria

    In the mountains, 90 minutes drive from Javea is the town of Concentaina, population 12,000. Once a year this becomes the site of probably the biggest Feria in Spain with 800 stalls, fun fair, horse dressage competition and many pop-up restaurants. U3A Javea visited this event about 10 years ago and it was a very successful…