Archives: Events

  • If protectionism is not a good solution to migration then what is?

    If protectionism is not a good solution to migration then what is?

    Last Friday of the month, 24th November we will have our last meeting this year. This topic has been relevant for many years to most developed countries worldwide. There are different policies and views, different schemes were applied and changed. Immigration was one of the main slogans of Brexit – to take back control of…

  • History Talk – Al Azraq the Moorish Warlord of the Marina Alta

    History Talk – Al Azraq the Moorish Warlord of the Marina Alta

    by Keith Smith Seven centuries of Moorish rule left an indelible stamp on Spain, and helped shaped its´history, language, culture and traditions. The general history of the occupation has beenwell documented and researched. Little however is known about the Moorish period inthe area around us, the Marina Alta. In 1232 Jaime 1 of Aragon began…

  • History Talks

    History Talks

    How it all began by Allison O’Brien What are the stories behind some the famous products?  Birds Custard and Royal Baking Powder were both invented because Alfred Bird’s wife was allergic to yeast and eggs.  “Marriage is a lot more harmonious when one’s wife can satisfy her sweet tooth”!!!  Why is there no sugar or…

  • U3A Javea Coffee Morning

    U3A Javea Coffee Morning

    Everyone is invited to come along and meet other members and the Committee. Coffee and a slice of cake, with any luck!

  • Travel trip to Cartagena

    Travel trip to Cartagena

    3 day, 2 night trip staying in a 4* Hotel for Bed and Breakfast only. Departing 9am from Interiors on 26 March and returning to Javea by 6pm on 29 March. Free time in Cartagena to explore and enjoy the Semana Santa celebrations. See the main post on the website Homepage for full details.…

  • Dining Out

    Dining Out

    Details to follow by email to group members. If you wish to join the mailing list please contact Alan Guest to email