History Talk April Carmen Amaya the Legendary Flamenco Dancer
20th Anniversary presentation by Angela Chantry
Carmen Amaya. The Legendary Flamenco Dancer
20 years ago in April 2005, Angela Chantry presented the first ever History Talk, on Women’s role in 19th Century Reform.
In her latest talk she will describe the life and times of Carmen Amaya(1918-1963)Considered by many to be the greatest flamenco dancer of all time, Carmen Amaya gave her own definition to the art of flamenco. Her career began at the age of four and throughout her childhood she performed alongside her father in the taverns and music halls of Barcelona. With the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War in the 1930s she travelled the world and achieved her greatest fame in the Americas. She made films in Hollywood, appeared on Broadway, danced for Roosevelt and Churchill, but always remained true to her gypsy heritage. Flamenco today is deeply indebted to Carmen Amaya – through her artistry and virtuosity she effectively altered the history of flamenco dance forever.