General Meeting
All members are invited to attend to hear from the Committee and ask any questions or raise topics of interest.
There will be a presentation from 11 am to 12 pm
Highlights and Anecdotes: My Twenty Years of Giving Presentations to U3A Members by Peter Atkinson
Throughout the last 20 years, an important feature of the Jávea U3A has been a group of members settling down to be entertained, informed or bored by a speaker giving a lecture, talk or presentation. I have been involved from the get-go (my membership number is 87) and I have given more than 50 presentations at monthly General Meetings, to the History Group, and to the Traveller’s Tales Group. Angela may have given more but I believe that no-one else comes close.
At the General meeting on May 30, I shall look back at the pleasures of speaking to U3A members, and the pitfalls, the things that can go wrong and sometimes do. A constant feature is that U3A audiences are always friendly and supportive; I have never been heckled (yet). And they are generally attentive; I have seen some sleeping, but I have never heard any snoring.
I shall reprise several minutes of highlights from each of about half a dozen of the talks that I have given at monthly General Meetings over the years. By “highlights”, I mean segments that I found to be particularly interesting or entertaining when doing the research. I hope you’ll agree. I shall cover aspects of Roman Spain, Moorish Spain, Anglo-French relations, Picasso’s Guernica, the Camino to Santiago, and more art and architecture.