Congratulations to Tony Cabban

Everyone at the U3A Jávea sends their warmest congratulations to Tony Cabban, Chairman of the Marina Alta Arts Society on winning the prestigious International Marsh Award for his work with the Arts Society.

Tony is a long standing member of the U3A Jávea and also a Committee member of the Jávea Players.

Tony was the founder Chair when the Marina Alta Arts Society opened in 2017. He stepped down after serving his term of office, however he returned to the role in 2023. The pandemic, Brexit and the economic downturn had taken their toll on the Society which had lost two thirds of its membership. Tony returned and together with his committee rescued The Arts Society from closure.

Through a variety of innovative ideas including use of social media, reaching out to other community organisations locally, gaining sponsorship, young arts projects and the introduction of flexible membership for ex-pats affected by Brexit, Tony has turned the Society around adding value and pleasure for Members while making a difference to the cultural landscape of the Marina Alta area.

For more information on the Arts Society in the Marina Alta, go to