from your President and Committee

Dear Members,
Christmas is a time for remembering.
Through the Covid pandemic many of our members (along with the rest of the
world), have lost loved ones, often in very difficult circumstances. We remember them. But also we remember those of our members who were left behind.
Luckily, most have good friends to care for them. We have a membership full of generous, caring people.
Many of our members volunteer at Christmas: Volunteering at events to collect money for charity, volunteering to collect and deliver food to the homeless, visiting those in care homes, helping families in need.
Please remember our volunteers this Christmas, maybe by making an extra special effort to visit some event organised to assist those less fortunate.
Everyone has their own special, favourite charity. But please don’t let that curtail your generosity. Every event is for a good cause.
Let’s help our volunteers and let them know that their efforts are appreciated – not just by the needy, but by us too.
Good people, doing good work for others.
Looking forward to a much, much better 2023.
On behalf of all the Executive Committee, may I wish you and all our Members
a “Feliz Navidad”
Claude Grealy
President U3A Javea