Over the last 3 months we have been collecting cash at each of our All Members Meetings for the Make a Smile Christmas bag appeal.
Also many members who were due refunds for cancelled events or trips such as the one to Cocentaina (which couldn’t go ahead due a a nearby forest fire) generously declined a refund and asked for the money to go into the charity fund.
Well done all of you who did this as, not only are you helping a good cause but you are also saving work for the volunteers on the Committee!! “Much appreciated” says Sally the Treasurer.
In total we raised 1600€ which was presented to Tony and Lucy, founders of Make a Smile by our President Claude.
We also collected a huge number of gifts and toiletries for the children.
If you haven’t had the chance to give so far and would like to do so simply click the image below to make your donation online.