Category: Mailpoet – Newsletter Now (Comms Officer only)
U3A Javea Coffee Morning
Wednesday 25 September – 10.30-12 noon, Centro Social Javea Calling all U3A Javea members to join together for coffee and (hopefully) cake at the Centro Social Bar, Javea Old Town. Your Committee members will be there to welcome you and answer any questions. The Centro Social Bar is located behind the Centro de Salut at…
Would you like to know more about the Scream?
The Scream is one of the most famous paintings in the world. It was created by Norwegian artist Edvard Munch in 1893. In 2012, it sold at Sothebys in New York for almost $120m, a record price at that time. Edvard Munch was one of the so called Proto-Expressionists, artists who began to develop a…
Time to go home!
A wonderful week and so many memories to take home with us, not just of Ibiza, the amazing scenery and the entertaining Medieval Festival, but of all the fun and laughter which has been shared these past 8 days. Thank you all for being such great company! I will look forward to having a reunion…
Pat Rudland – Funeral and Party
Pat’s funeral will be family only due to the short timescales involved in arranging it. Nichola, Pat’s daughter, would like to extend an invitation to all U3A members who knew Pat to come to a Celebration of Life party at her house in Jávea. The party will be at 1pm tomorrow, Wednesday 17 April at…
“Muchisimas Gracias” to the Bomberos for protecting our community
We are all very lucky to live in Jávea with its dramatic scenery, beautiful blue sea and wonderful weather. Yesterday however was a very difficult day for many people living in and around the Valls area. An enormous fire started at about 10.30am and burned throughout the day. The flames were enormous and the columns…
U3A Jávea General Meeting and speaker
Everyone is invited to the U3A Jávea General Meeting at 10.30am on Wednesday 24th April at the Casa de Cultura in Jávea Old Town. You’ll get an update on the U3A Jávea from our President, Claude Grealy and the other Executive Committee members. We’re also delighted that Peter Atkinson has kindly agreed to speak to…