Category: Group – History
History Talk Tuesday 8th April
20th Anniversary presentation by Angela Chantry Carmen Amaya the legendary flamenco dancer 20 years ago in April 2005, Angela Chantry presented the first ever History Talk, on Women’s role in 19th Century Reform. In her latest talk she will describe the life and times of Carmen Amaya(1918-1963)Considered by many to be the greatest flamenco dancer…
An Apple a day for History Group
At last week’s History Group meeting in the Javea Players’ Studio, Rosalind Miranda gave a thoroughly entertaining account of Johnny Appleseed, The True Story of an American Folk Hero. Johnny Appleseed (born John Chapman 1774 – 1845) was an American pioneer and entrepreneur, who introduced trees grown with apple seeds (as opposed to trees grown with grafting) to large…
50 members get Medieval Pleasure!
A good turnout at History Talks Tuesday 11th February at Javea Players for Group Leader Keith Smith´s talk on Medieval Pleasures, Sex Drugs and Rock and Roll in the Middle Ages. Keith explained that it is possible to play a game of Medieval bingo during such a presentation and tick off the myths as they…
History Group Talk February 11th – Medieval Pleasures!
Sex, drugs and Rock ‘n’ Roll wasn’t invented in the 60s despite what the youngsters say! Come and hear about what they got up to in Medieval times.