Castles, Borjas and Vasily – a great trip to Xàtiva

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Amanda Jordan, our endlessly good-humoured Tour Guide, took 28 souls to Xàtiva, and brought 28 back!

We could only take a minibus, in order to navigate the goat track up to the castle. Our driver – Vasily from Ukraine – obviously a rally driver in his spare time – took the bus (still with wing mirrors attached) – round impossibly tight bends with ease.  

The medieval castle (the highlight of the tour), perched like an eagle’s nest on a craggy rock, had a magnificent view over the valley, and a lovely breeze. This is where Hannibal planned the conquest of Saguntum. It is also where his son was born. 

Back down in the town for lunch, we saw the house where the Borja who became Pope was born. Did you know that Zaragoza used to be Zaragoza de Borja?

Also in the old town, the absolutely beautiful Basilica de Santa Maria (1596) is reminiscent of Salamanca, apart from lovely back streets with old water fountains and historic houses. 

A lovely little town with very nice people and lots of nice cafes, bars and restaurants. 

Where to next Amanda?

Report by Claude Grealy, President U3A Jávea, pictures by Linda Grealy