Big stink at U3A monthly meeting

Member Cheda Panajotovic caused a bit of a stink at the Javea U3A June general meeting at Casa de Cultura!

The former London tourist guide dredged up some unsavoury facts on the history of the city and its infamous River Thames in a shocking yet amusing presentation entitled “The Great Stink (1858)”.

In an emotional opening, Cheda dedicated his talk to his wife Mira who he revealed was suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.

Cheda went on to explain that the 19th century Great Stink was the result of a fast-growing population which was too much for the basic sewer system to cope with and the cause of three separate Cholera epidemics which brought about the death of many thousands.

He described the eventual hero of the piece as Sir Joseph Bazalgette, who developed a whole new sewage system incorporating pumping stations which exported the raw excrement out into the sea. The results are clearly visible today: despite the current London population of 9 million, fish have returned to the water including the occasional salmon.

Cheda’s audience clearly enjoyed his talk and, as a token of the committee’s appreciation, he was presented with a gift of wine by U3A vice-president Krystyna Stefancyzk.

Earlier, in the business part of the meeting, U3A president Claude Grealy reported that the current membership stood at 933, with 108 new members joining this year.

He also stated that a recent appeal for volunteers to assist the Travel Group run future trips had resulted in five offers of help, which was much appreciated.

The next U3A monthly meeting will be a Coffee Morning at the Social Centre in the old town on Wednesday September 27. Further details will appear on the website

Report and picture by Publicity Officer Ian Rogerson