Author: Claude Grealy

  • The Ukaholics Concert in Bon Retir

    The Ukaholics (an assortment of talented musicians including U3A Javea and Denia members, and other assorted travelling musicians!), playing Ukuleles, guitar, harmonica, drum box and a Mountain Dulcimer (whatever that is!) – recently played a free concert in the Bon Retir retirement home (whose guests include some of our own sweet past members). Numbers included…

  • Cheerful Coffee Morning Chat & Cake

    A very cheerful bunch of members joined the quarterly Coffee Morning at the Social Center in the Old Town, and enjoyed a lovely chat and catchup with friends. The Committee were there to meet everybody and answer any questions. The President welcomed some new members and thanked the new Gardening Group Leaders for keeping that…

  • Hadn’t we a Ball !

    High fashion and high spirits abounded at the end of the Summer Ball at Carrasco. Outside on the terrace, the cava flowed, and the Steel Band played, and everyone caught up with old friends. Then dinner inside, followed by after dinner speeches, the Raffle, and dancing to the 20/20 band. The raffle was in aid…

  • A grand day out to Algemesi

    55 Merry Travellers joined the day trip – led by Paul Pruden – to amazing Algemesi. A pleasantly short bus ride away to what is a lovely little, friendly town. The bus dropped us just a few yards from the main church, where TV cameras were broadcasting to the local bars, and then it went…