There would have been a full house if it had not been for the inclement weather. However, 57 dedicated members braved the cold and the showers to attend. The outgoing President (soon to be the incoming President also) welcomed everybody and thanked them for their continued support. He gave apologies for the outgoing Vice President Krystyna Stefanczyk, and outgoing Communications Officer Steve Young, who were unable to attend. He noted their huge contribution to the organisation, and hoped they would continue making a significant contribution. Claude asked the meeting to give them a round of applause in recognition of their efforts. He said that presentations would be made to both of them as soon as possible.
Claude then thanked all those who continue to contribute to the U3A – our Webmaster Peter Bayliss, all the Group Leaders, our Events Team, and all those who just help in some way, working away quietly in the background.
The President then also took the opportunity to convey the Committee and the Members condolences to the family and friends of those whom we have lost during 2024.
Following the approval of the Minutes of the last General Meeting, the President then delivered his Report, focusing on two things – Volunteering and our 20th Anniversary.
Claude called for volunteers to act as Roving Reporters at our Social Events and at Group get-togethers, in order to ensure that all Groups got the publicity they deserve. Members could report on their own Groups activities, or Social Events. Even just taking a few photographs at some events, and perhaps sending in a note about the event. He also called for volunteers to help Group Leaders post information of the website, as this job presently falls to members of the Committee. He also asked for volunteer as a Social Secretary or simply to assist with organising Social Activities.
Turning to the issue of New Members, the President called on all new members to step up and ‘Show us Ol’ Timers how it’s done!’, saying ‘How many Clubs give you an opportunity to shape the Club your way?’ ‘Volunteering is good for your mental health’, he quipped. He also pointed out the diversity of nationalities and languages in the organisation, and invited them to ‘stand up and be proud’.
20th Anniversary
Claude then moved on to the topic of our 20th Anniversary. He pointed out that all those attending had received a handout on the Agenda of events, and that a detailed brochure would be made available to all members in the coming weeks.
Essentially, the celebrations would consist of:
- Halving membership fees this year;
- Having a Fair / Open day in the Parador on 26 February to celebrate the historic expansion of the organisation to its now 40+ Groups and over 1,000 members;
- A (much more than) Coffee Morning in the Social Centre on 26 March;
- An Official Commemorative event in April, to include participation of some Past Presidents and those who were present at the planting of the tree (3?) when it was a sapling;
- A General Meeting the Casa de Cultura on 30 May to include a presentation from our old friend Peter Atkinson entitled ’20 Years of Presentation to the U3A’;
- and finally a big Summer Party (somewhere) on 25 June.
Claude then delivered the Vice Presidents Report, detailing all the events that had been held over the year, attended by over 800 members and helping to raise almost 8,500 euros for charity, including the DANA Appeal.
The Committee business then proceeded with Reports by all the Committee, and voting.
The formal Minutes of the AGM, will be published separately.
The newly elected Committee consists of

President: Claude Grealy
Vice President: Margaret March
Secretary: Gillian Flaxman (not present)
Treasurer: Henrik Rasmussen
Groups Coordinator: Mike Frost
Membership Secretary: Jim Short