Grievance Procedure

Any member of the U3A Javea having reasonable cause to complain about the behaviour of another member which may be contrary to the interests of the Association or give rise to damage to the Association’s reputation may bring the matter to the attention of the Executive Committee.  Such actions include contravention of the Statutes of the Association or infringement of the Members’ Code of Conduct or Group Guidelines.

Should the member who has committed the infringement be a member of the Executive Committee then the next highest ranking member of the full Committee will be co-opted onto the Executive Committee for the purposes of resolving the matter,

The Executive Committee will investigate the matter in order to decide whether or not the member committing the infringement should be sanctioned.  Should the Executive Committee decide, as a result of its investigation, that the infringement has been substantiated then sanctions will be imposed.  Dependent upon the seriousness of the infringement the Executive Committee may decide to omit some of the steps up to the final (fourth) sanction.

The available sanctions are –

1.  Verbal warning

– for minor infringements

2. Written warning

– for serious infringements

3. Second written warning

– for severe infringements

4. Cancellation of membership and permanent expulsion from the Association with immediate effect

– for worst case infringements