Registered address: Al cuidado de: Impley, Avenida de Palmela 18, Local 6, Jávea 03730 Alicante


The purpose of this website is

  • to share information about our activities with the members and general public, and
  • to facilitate the collection of membership fees and payments for organised events.

Website payments

In compliance with the provisions of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, as well as other legally applicable regulations, users of the portal are informed the following general information data:

  • This portal constitutes the Official Internet Site of la Asociación Social de la Tercera Edad de Jávea known as (U3A Jávea).
  • La Asociación Social de la Tercera Edad de Jávea is provided with CIF nº J54165881
  • Users of this portal may establish direct and effective communication with U3A Jávea by means of the contact webpage or by means of written communication addressed to the registered address above.

Further information

Terms and Conditions

Privacy Policy