A grand day out to Algemesi

55 Merry Travellers joined the day trip – led by Paul Pruden – to amazing Algemesi. A pleasantly short bus ride away to what is a lovely little, friendly town. The bus dropped us just a few yards from the main church, where TV cameras were broadcasting to the local bars, and then it went out on Spanish TV. No U3A members were implicated publicly!

The church is beautiful enough to convert one to catholicism! The town was not overcrowded (although Paul tells us that next year it will be on a Saturday, which will be busier), and there were plenty of bars to have a sit down.

The human towers all went up and down safely (they are not as high in the north) – all topped by brave little children. A new tradition seems to be the girls holding their little brothers up on their shoulders (only 3 people high, so not as scary). Beautiful (warm, heavy and expensive) costumes as always. The day ended with fireworks – at 3pm. Bus home at 4.30 after a snack, a drink and a chat.

A Grand Day Out indeed!