It was a cloudy day, but fortunately not raining as 26 members left by minibus to make their way to La Clandestileria Roders gin artisan facility for the Spanish Culture & Cuisine “Gin Experience”. After time for refreshments at the nearby cafe bar, we were met by Alvara and his partner, Javier, and shown the different bottles of gin, two with part of the cask inside the bottle, which was rather a novel feature (American oak and French oak).

Alvero gave us a very interesting and informative tour, during which we learned the history of how this small factory came about, the techniques of production, botanics used, labelling the bottles by hand etc.

The icing on the cake, of course, was tasting the different gins, first trying it straight, then with ice, and then with tonic, + the extra special gin tastings and tapas which were provided.

An interesting and fun morning, after which we set off to Potries for a delicious lunch at the Restaurante Cassoleta de Pep Sola. A few of the dishes on offer.

My thanks to everyone on the trip for making it such a fun and enjoyable day! (photos by Melanie & Angela)
Report by Angela Chantry, group leader Spanish Culture & Cuisine