Despite the cool weather it was a great turnout for the final History Group presentation of 2024 when Angela Chantry presented the History of the Royal town of Jávea. Group leader Keith Smith reminded everyone that in April 2005 Angela had done the first ever presentation of the History Group in the newly formed U3A.
The presentation was a tour de force of the history of our town, encompassing the Iberian Celts, Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans, Visigoths, Moors, the Christian Conquest, War of the Spanish Succession, Civil War and development of tourism. The group were able to see photos of many interesting historical sights dating back to the earliest times.
Keith thanked Angela for her presentation and reminded the group that presentations start again in February 2025 and that, in April 2025, Angela fittingly will present the 20th anniversary lecture.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all U3A Jávea members.
If you would like regular updates on presentations ask to join our mailing list by writing to history@u3ajavea.com.