Updated article because the photos were in the wrong order – apologies for the mix up to the winners and runners up.

We had a very enjoyable Quiz Night on Tuesday 16th January, with six teams competing for prizes. The winning team pictured above were ‘The Famous Five’.
Our Quiz Master was Mike Frost who was ably assisted by his wife, Katrina. The 50 questions covered a variety of subjects including our general knowledge of Spain, sport, geography and history with varying levels of difficulty. Pictured below with Mike & Katrina are the runners up ‘The Fivers’.

The range of scores at the end of the evening only differed by 5 points indicating how close the competition was.
As on previous occasions, the event took place at Javea Golf Club which provided a delicious choice of menu options.
Group leaders Sandra and Constantin said “We hope to repeat the experience in March & look forward to seeing you then”.