U3A Jávea Annual Report 2023

Executive Committee
The present EC remained in place to ensure continuity post covid.

The membership increased both in number (up 174 new members in the year) and diversity of nationalities.

General Meetings & EC Sponsored Events
The revised format of having some Executive Committee meeting or sponsored event continues. Every month (apart from summer holidays) alternates between:-

a General Meeting at which the Executive attends to update members and take questions (followed by an invited guest speaker

an Executive Committee sponsored Coffee Morning that allows members to freely mingle and meet other members they would not normally meet at their individual Group meetings. The Committee also attends to meet members and answer questions.

an Executive Committee sponsored Social Event, also attended by the Committee, and allowing members to meet and mingle.

Website & Communications
Our volunteer I.T. Team continues to update the website to give members the best experience possible and keep them involved and informed.

Weekly news updates of items published on the website are issued to all members and important items are notified to all members by email who have subscribed to receive emails from the Association.

Our Facebook group continues to be popular, with members able to communicate with each other about topics and events of interest.

Updates to our banking system were introduced to streamline payments and increase audit transparency.

The end of year Financial Account is now published on the website and shows a slightly depleted balance of funds compared to last year.

There is no longer a Joining fee, to encourage new members to join throughout the year.