Hugh recalls his hazardous adventure of a lifetime

U3A member Hugh Epsom with his wife Gillian

Javea U3A member Hugh Epsom went back 48 years at the December Travellers’ Tales meeting to recall his experiences of an adventure across Africa with a group of fellow university graduates.

It was the highlight of the Christmas TT meeting, organised by group leaders Angela Chantry and Tony Dearie, which also included mince pies and sherry for attendees.

Hugh’s presentation, featuring some excellent photos somehow retrieved from his personal archives, told the story of the young man’s ambitious yet perilous journey with friends across the wilds of north Africa in three Land Rovers, especially bought and prepared for the trip.

His talk, entitled ‘AxaAfrica: Journey to the Mountains of the Moon’, excellently recounted the dangers of youth with the party experiencing unknown challenges including a trek across the Sahara desert, encountering sandstorms, dust and the aftermath of the worst floods for 30 years.

Nonetheless, Hugh and his brave companions survived to tell the tale of a journey so few have experienced and will never be able to experience again due to the increasing dangers of such a challenge.

Relief indeed for Hugh’s wife Gillian who, although not part of his life back then, helped in the preparation of his presentation. And his fascinating adventure was thoroughly enjoyed by his audience.